
Claim Intake

  • To clarify the differences between the two forms.

    Property And Liability Claim Form is to initiate claims of damages.
    (i.e. shattered windows, damaged siding, broken doors)

    School Incident Report Form is for reporting incidents of students.
    (i.e. students fighting, slip and falls, bodily harm)
  • All sections highlighted in yellow must be completed.
  • Property and Liability Claim FormSchool Incident Report Form
  • Saskatchewan School Boards Association – Claim Form
    All Claims except Student Accident & International Student Accident

  • Division Contact
  • Division Contact
  • Location of Loss
  • 1) Take immediate measures to protect and preserve your property from further damage
    2) Take picture(s) of damaged property and surrounding area.
    3) Do not proceed with repairs, alterations or replacement of damaged or lost property until advised by the Insurer to do so, except as required under Step 1.
    4) Report incident to appropriate authorities (i.e. Police, etc.)
    5) Designated individual to report loss to Marsh Canada for handling.
  • Do not admit liability or offer your opinion of liability to anyone. Don’t offer any compensation to anyone.
    1) As required, report incident to appropriate authorities (emergency services, etc.). If someone is injured or might be injured, administer first aid only if necessary.
    2) Obtain the other party’s name, address and contact information. Also, secure same details from any witnesses. Record the name of any attending medical / emergency personnel and the name of any medical facility accessed.
    3) Complete Accident Report Form promptly and as completely as possible and forward to Marsh Canada.
    4) Secure and maintain any tools and/or equipment/reports which may have been involved in the accident.
  • Innocent Ihenyen:

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